Friday 20 February 2009

Work Wanted

So my contract expires in less than 2 months and the Korean won/U.S. dollar apparently hit W1,500 to $1 today. For those of you not familiar with the exchange rate, it sucks. Really, really sucks. It was that bad last October or so, but had been getting better (down to 1,250 or so).

Basically, to leave Korea now--even for a short time--would be like taking a pile of cash and setting fire to it.

So last night I applied to an academy like mine that is located in the Seoul area. Depending on who you talked to they might or might not say it is part of the city. The Seoul subway system does go there (and beyond), so at the least it is a suburb of Seoul.

Anyway, the husband and wife who own it and teach there are UK/Korean, and the English half called me tonight and we talked for 40 minutes. Nice guy and it seems like the type of school I have been looking for, though have so clearly not found. His wife will call me on Sunday, and should things go well I may make the trip next weekend for a face-to-face interview and to eyeball the school and apartment.

Right now it feels good to have potentially lined up a new job, but even if it doesn't work out I think it will be a beneficial practice run.

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