Saturday 9 June 2012

Fruity Looty

Sigh.  I usually tend to think of Korea as being a cheap place to live, and in some ways it is: transportation, health care, etc.

But now that it's summer I have my normal desire for more fruit, and fruit is expensive here (in comparison to the U.S.; a friend told me it's cheaper than in England).  A general rule is that one average-sized piece--such as an apple, orange, or tomato--costs about a dollar.

This bunch of grapes that I just bought (thus the need to gripe) cost $8 (yikes!):

This small melon was on sale, so I grabbed it:

Some of the fruit is expensive because Korea has a small land area for growing such produce.  Other fruit is imported, and thus costs more.

I miss buying and eating fruit in the U.S.