Saturday 5 January 2013

Jeju Tour Recommendations

Anyone touring the southeast area of Jeju should check into the services offered by Jejueco (available in English, Korean, and/or Russian).

Their new lodging facility (not a hotel . . . more like mini-condos) is very nice, and comes with its own tangerine grove.  The bathrooms in the apartments are cold, as is the lobby, but the rooms are warm as they can be heated two ways: by ondol (the Korean underfloor heating system) and by electronically-controlled heated air.  They have a kitchenette, and the lobby has PC's.

Check out the website and pics at:

Victor, our Russian-born guide, was very nice; he drove our 6-party (bi-lingual) group around in a van to smaller sites perhaps not seen by larger tour groups.  Some of the rides were naturally boring, but, in the end, we were pleased with what we were able to see and experience, and with the freedom we had to wander.

In sum, we felt that we wanted to live at the facility, keep eating the Jeju lunches at the restaurants that Victor directed us to, and simply relax for the few days that we had.

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