Saturday 16 February 2013

Korean Grilled Meat Restaurant

Our English academy had a staff dinner last night at a meat restaurant (galbi/samgyeopsal), which, kind of a Korean staple with respect to restaurants, serves slices or pieces of beef and/or pork to be cooked at the table.

I've posted plenty of pics of these types of restaurants before.

However, I haven't been to one for a long time and, since many of them have different types of table grills, I wanted to post this one pic:

As you can see, in this restaurant the meat is not grilled directly over flame (which some claim is better for health, even though you're eating rather fatty pork).

That in itself is not so unusual, but the tilted grill is (it allows fat to drain off to the left side).

What is very unique (I've never seen it before) is the soup bowl placed in the middle of the grill.

It holds a kind of soup (dwenjang jigae/된장 stew) which is normally served towards the end of the meal.

It's a fermented soybean paste soup with tofu, hot peppers, and zucchini.

At this place a waitress comes around and refills the soup pot, and it's kept at a slow boil since the pot is on the grill.

Also on the grill you can see onion slices and garlic (I don't like either raw, but I love them cooked) and a bit of kimchi (which I prefer not cooked).

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