Sunday 17 March 2013

Cell Phone Ban Update

I was in the hallway when several 4th grade students approached me and said, "___ was playing games on his cell phone.  Here."

They handed me the boy's cell phone, and, not really knowing what to say--for I haden't had time to process the event--I replied, "Thanks!"

I went to the students' classroom to try to get some more information.

Apparently, one boy in the class had whipped out his cell phone and started playing games (an activity now "illegal" at our school).

The other students, thinking maybe, "If we can't play cell phone games then you aren't going to either", proceeded to confiscate the boy's phone.

Wow--way to go students!

In a related event, a teacher friend in another Korean city told me that--partly based on the encouraging results of the cell phone ban at our academy--his academy will begin a similar ban next week.

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