Sunday 14 April 2013

My New Watering Hole

For quite a while in my apartment I was drinking filtered tap water, but then it began to taste a bit odd, so I decided to stop using it.

I started buying bottled water, but I don't like contributing to environmental problems.  Also, to go from free water to store-bought clashes with my sometimes frugal self.

Then I remembered that I have seen people on my neighborhood area taking empty water bottles to somewhere and returning with full bottles, so I decided to check it out.

This is what I found:

Apparently this location provides free, safe drinking water.  I would like to get more details on the source of the water, but I decided to give it a try, so I took four empty 2-liter plastic bottles there and filled them up.  The water tastes good, better than that from my kitchen tap . . . so far so good!

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