Sunday 15 September 2013

Science Experiment

I was recently told by a trusted person that she had read that if you watered a plant with microwaved water (to the boiling point), then that plant would die.  Apparently it has something to do with the microwaves changing the molecular structure of the water.

My first thought was, "No way!"

Second thought: I can test this!

Third thought: I should test this.

The third thought came from the conversation that prompted my friend's recalled news.  I had stated that in the summer months I do not use my gas burners (my stove top) because it is too hot to do any real cooking.

Instead, I said, I use my microwave oven to steam vegetables and to cook potatoes, eggs, etc.

Her comment about the potential harmfulness of microwaves inspired me to pursue a mini-project.

I was thinking about buying a single plant and watering it with microwaved water, yet that plan changed when I spoke with my dad, a retired scientist.  He told me that I would need four plants, two for the experiment and two for the "control" part.

So here is what I have: two plants (one basil and one rosemary) to be watered with microwaved water (cooled), and two (of the same) to be watered with tap water.

The plants were first watered yesterday (9-14), and I will update the pictures weekly or perhaps more often.

(btw, the tube in the picture behind the plants is for the air conditioner.)

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